Tag: Learning

Samoan Art 🇼🇸

Talofa Lava Bloggers!

Today I am gonna be sharing with you my Samoan art, I was very determined to make this art. It was very cool making shapes and coloring my background. It was easy to color my background but it was hard to color each box when I made a checkered pattern. We used traditional Samoan patterns and designs for our Google drawing art. It was really fun. We also learnt the meaning of the patterns. It was really cool picking a Samoan pattern.

Every pattern I made has a Samoan meaning.

Here is my Samoan art!!!

The first one is  FETU symbolizes hope and guidance.


You should try this!


⛽🚘Road Safety Week 2024🚘🛑

Kia Ora bloggers!

On May 21st we did a Kahoot about road safety and I placed 2nd. I was very happy. After that we made a poster about road safety. I found finding a png image on Google a bit hard so I just went on the app RemoveBg to remove the background of my picture. I found the perfect background for it. I think it is a really nice poster. I would like to say thank you to all the road patrol monitors for helping us cross the street safely.

Here is my poster! I hope you like it. The 2024 road safety theme is Road Safety Hero.

I really hope you liked it. You can be a road safety hero too!

If you have any questions please comment.

Bye and thank you for viewing!



Navigating Through Edublogs

Hello Bloggers!

Today our class was exploring blogs. It was really fun, I actually found inserting the photos a bit complicated, but soon after I got the hang of  it. I found the screen shotting part really easy. We had to screenshot and copy & paste our screen shot to our bingo. I wasn’t the first to finish but that’s okay. I navigated all through Asmah’s blog. She has a very good blog that includes LOTS OF TAGS and so much information. I found all of the information to put in my bingo board.

Here it is!



If you have any feedback or questions, please comment.

Thank you for viewing!

How To Stay Safe Online

Hello Bloggers, My name is Zaina

Today I am going to be giving you guys the key stuff to definitely NOT  share.

SO, for example you can NOT share your address online, As well as your Phone Number, pass code, Or even the pass code to your door! The moment you share your private information online, someone could take a screenshot of it. So because of that, Here is a great Pick a Path for all of you.

Comment down below if you wanna share something to us, or advise, anything!

I hope you learnt something new!

Thank you everyone BYEEE!

HPS Film Festival

Ola bloggers!

What part did you enjoy?

I enjoyed acting out my parts of the story. It was really fun filming the scenes and editing. I also enjoyed adding sound effects to the film me and my group made. I loved wearing costumes and using props.


What was the most challenging part?

The most challenging part was making the volume equal in all parts of our film. Another challenging thing was keeping the camera still while filming. It was also really hard for my group to cooperate and some people were not here when we had to film the scenes with them in it.


If there was one thing we would change what would it be?

I would make the superheros wear capes and we would add like a teleporting sound effect and a teleportation transition when there teleport to the baddie.



have you done film festival before?

Is it fun filming?

thanks for reading.


 ADIOS bloggers!

Podcast interview

Hello fellow bloggers!

The year fives and sixes have recently been to camp. When they came back we had to make a podcast that we are interviewing a person that has been to camp. We had to make sure that we had specific questions that we can actually get information from.  It was really fun making up questions for the podcast interview. We weren’t aloud to ask them YES or NO questions.

Did you learn anything about podcasting?

What would you change about this podcast?