Tag: Learn

⛽🚘Road Safety Week 2024🚘🛑

Kia Ora bloggers!

On May 21st we did a Kahoot about road safety and I placed 2nd. I was very happy. After that we made a poster about road safety. I found finding a png image on Google a bit hard so I just went on the app RemoveBg to remove the background of my picture. I found the perfect background for it. I think it is a really nice poster. I would like to say thank you to all the road patrol monitors for helping us cross the street safely.

Here is my poster! I hope you like it. The 2024 road safety theme is Road Safety Hero.

I really hope you liked it. You can be a road safety hero too!

If you have any questions please comment.

Bye and thank you for viewing!



Navigating Pohatu Class Site

Howdy bloggers!

Our Cybersmart task for today is making our about me Google drawing and bingo. It was really fun. I didn’t WIN tho.. I managed to get a few lines. I found it hard resizing my screenshot in the box so I didn’t realize it.

In my about me Google drawing I had a pink theme. It is really cute and I wrote lots of things about myself like.. I like Ice cream. I found picking my background color hard and I found replacing my image easy! Our focus is Navigating around Pohatu Class Site.

Thank you and here is both of my Cybersmart tasks.

Please leave a comment if you have any feedback.

My Favorite Shortcut ☺

Howdy Bloggers!

Today I am going to teach you how to make a bookmark and tell you what my favorite shortcut is. One of my favorite shortcut is Ctrl C, Ctrl V. Do you wanna know why this is my favorite shortcut? Because If I need to embed something onto my blog I go to my doc, click embed then click Ctrl C And then switch tabs then paste it onto your blog! If you want to make a bookmark, Go onto the website you choose, then press the star on the top right lastly edit the name and you have your bookmark.

Here is my poster on how to make a bookmark. You can show it to other people that don’t know how to make one.

I really hope this helped!

If you have any feedback, Please comment.

Good bye!