MOTAT dash robots

Hello Everyone!

Today my class went to room 7 to do some coding with dash robots! 2 people came from the MOTAT to teach us how to code a dash bot. MOTAT stands for Museum of transport and technology. I had a great time, Me Eva, Anoosha and Stephine tried to code 2 robots called Miss Jacy and Keith, It was a bit hard but we got the hang of it! Miss Jacy and Keith kept on bumping into each other. We could change the eye pattern, light colors and even change what speed the robots move, How cool! The robots had one big eye and lights all over it!

They gave us an Ipad to code our robots, One person had to get the dash robot while the other got the iPad. We started to code and the lady told us 5 more minutes and we are going to make our robots dance in the middle of the circle!! I was so happy. We coded our robots and prepared them to do a dance, It was so funny because we made Miss Jacy (our robot) Burp!!  Stephine and I also made Miss Jacy and Keith make weird sounds in sync.


We were using dash robots and we were trying to synchronize them in these photos.

Thank you for reading, Have you ever coded a robot? Please let me know if you have, and please let me know what robots you have coded before. Please have a look at my other exciting moments on my blog page.

Thank you and please leave a comment.

Bye Bloggers!


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