Hailstorm 2024 🌧🧊

Talofa lava guys!

today it rained and hailed so bad!! It started really rainy and stormy. Me, Eva and Anoosha heard little thunders in the sky. It started with just a little bit of rain, then lots, then stopped completely… our class was just chilling until… HAIL.SO.MUCH.HAIL! I badly wanted to go outside and play. Mr Albert let us play outside and I ran to the sides of the classroom to collect snow and make snowballs. All of the senior class teachers let there students go outside and play. So, I ran to my friends and showed them my big snowball. It was so funny! Mrs Patel took a photo of me and my big snowball. My feet were so freezing and numb when I went inside. I have never seen it hail that much so I had to make the most of it!!

If you want to see some photos or videos that Mr Albert took, here it is.

Thank you for reading and viewing. If you have experienced hail before, I would love to know about your experience.

I hope you like this blog post, I would really love to experience this again.

Bye and have a wonderful day.



2 thoughts on “Hailstorm 2024 🌧🧊

  1. Hi Zaina,
    What an exciting moment! I have never seen it hail as much as it did that day. it was hilarious when everyone went outside and started throwing ‘hail balls’ at each other. I’m glad you have a record of it.
    Great post!

  2. Hello Zaina,

    I love your blog post! I also wanted to go outside to play in the hail! My hands and feet also got numb when we were playing!

    I really like that you put a video and a picture to tell people how it was like! I really liked the details you put in your post!

    Thank you,
    Anoosha from Hay Park School

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