Month: November 2023

AI painting

Hi bloggers!  Today we did art, we went onto an AI generator app. It generates your adjectives into a picture. It was a bit hard because the AI sometimes doesn’t give you the results you want. The site is called Imagine art. Some people think using AI is lazy, some people think AI is very reliable. I think it depends on what you’re using AI for. What do you think?

Here is my art!




I hope you guys liked it, I tried very hard and I think AI art wins.



Hi guys! this week was Diwali, Our whole class made rangoli! It was amazing. I added a variety of colors into my rangoli. What was a bit hard was I had to color with markers that kept on drying out and their tips were being pushed in. What I found fun  was drawing patterns with my friends and finding some inspiration.

Here is my rangoli!

I hope you guys liked it, And maybe you bloggers should try.


Smart Searching

Hi bloggers! Today for cybersmart we learn’t how to smart search. Smart searching is a very fun thing to learn for cybersmart. We did things like searching the same topic in different ways then seeing the differences. You need to know how to search like this so you can get an accurate answer.  If you don’t put capital letters do not worry because it will show the same website.

I enjoyed typing in questions in google. I also enjoyed finding out the answers to my questions and typing it in. Something challenging for me was putting the screenshots in because I couldn’t recognize my screenshots.


You should try doing this fun cybersmart activity!  It helps you learn lots more about smart searching.

would you try this?

Have a good day!