Fun beach trip in the holidays

Wenderholm  Beach

In the hot summer holidays, a normal morning. Me, my sister and brother were having breakfast.  Suddenly, we heard “shall we go to Wenderholm beach?” asked dad. We gasped with excitement then without a second thought we said “YES!” We started packing our beach gear.

WE PACKED THE WHOLE HOUSE! My mum started preparing some amazing chicken and soup I know! SO YUMMY. We entered the car. “eek I’m so excited” I said. I could already smell the beach just by the thought of it.

Soon we arrived. Me and my family loved the view there. I saw tall trees and lush green grass , lots of happy people having some barbeque it smells delicious, I even saw a group of people playing frisbee, I heard music!.

We started unpacking and setting up our tent. Once we finished setting up the tent, we sat on the mat and started eating the mouth watering chicken.

Soon after lunch we walked to the water with our boogie boards. “Oh my gosh this is amazing! I smelled the salty water and felt the warm breeze on my skin.  After a few seconds of  staring. What are we waiting for?! LETS JUMP IN! My siblings played and splashed with me.

Soon after, me and my sister thought, Hmm maybe we should try surfing, I said yes. It was so fun! but we kept falling,  so we moved to the shallow part where we enjoyed doing some of our water acrobatic moves.  While we were playing, mum surprised us with ice cream ” twins come here!’ as she always calls us, We swam over to the sand and is that what I think it was?

yes. It was what I thought was “vanilla ice cream!!!” without a thought I started slurping the ice cream all up. “Yum!!”

A couple minutes later we headed back to the water. We were in the middle of a swimming race, then we bumped into these two friendly girls and said “oh hi” the girls said hi back. We let them try our boards.

All of us had so much fun, they asked us ” guys shall we do a board race with buddies? oh my gosh, YES! We raced into the waves then we won! “yay!” All of us were having so much fun until.. They had to go. We all bid goodbye sadly. But that’s okay! I had my sister and brother to play with.

My sister was throwing mud and sand at me! I was furious.. SO I THREW SOME BACK!  A few minutes after we had a sand fight. We dug a big whole in the sand and made sand balls and attacked each other with it and We dug another shallow sand hole which my brother enjoyed so much.

Time passes so quickly especially when you’re having so much fun “right

?” We saw our mum coming towards us and we knew it was time to go home, we had to leave but, we left Wenderholm with our hearts filled so much joy and good new “summer memories” at least we had such a fun time!

have you been to Wenderholm this summer? If not i definitely recommend you guys visit this place.

I hope you liked my blog, see you in another blog post BYE!

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